Private Loan

  • Borrower submits LOI, NCNDA, Project Proposal and any other support documents as may be requested by the lender (G-54C Markets Group Africa)
  •  After approval of the documents, the lender sends RWA and Term Sheet to the Borrower.
  •  Borrower bank completes and returns RWA and borrower completes Term Sheet to the Lender via email.
  •  Lender sends verbiage of pre-advice MT799, verbiage of Bank Guarantee MT760 and Loan agreement to the Borrower.
  •  Project Owner provides Collateral (Bank guarantee, company assets, government guarantee or any other security acceptable to the Lender)
  • Borrower bank sends pre-advice MT799 and sends to Lender.
  • Lender responds with MT799 as POF.
  • Lender visits or sends a delegation to the company premise for due diligence.
  • Borrower and Lender execute the loan Agreement either physically or by digital means as may be agreed between the two parties. And the borrower provides a hard copy bank/government guarantee, proof of ownership of any other asset used as security.
  • Lender makes disbursement of the first Tranche within 21 banking days followed by further tranches as stated in the term sheet.

For government

  • Borrower submits LOI, NCNDA, Project Executive Summary
  • Lender sends loan introduction letter to government.
  • Government replies to Lender for acceptance of the loan.
  • Lender sends RWA and Term Sheet to government.
  • Government completes and returns RWA and Term Sheet to the Lender.
  • Lender sends verbiage of MT799 and verbiage of MT760 and Loan agreement to the government.
  • Government completes MT799 and sends to Lender.
  • Lender responds with POF or its equivalent.
  • Lender sends a delegation for due diligence on the project.
  • Government and leader executes the Loan Agreement physically or by digital means as may be agreed between the two parties.
  • Lender makes the first Tranche within 30 banking days and other tranches follow as stipulated in the term sheet and Loan agreement. Other services. We do BOT (Build Operate and Transfer). Under conducive conditions, G-54C Markets Group Africa can build a project, operate it for an agreed period of time to recover the invested capital
    and interest at agreed rates and thereafter transfers operation responsibilities to the project founders. In this case we execute the BOT agreement clearing stating the agreed terms and conditions. Joint ventures. We combine efforts with Company founders to execute their ventures.

We sign a joint venture agreement with project founders detailing the terms and conditions of the partnership


Read more about project financing